Mixtures of discrete decomposable graphical models (with Jane Ivy Coons and Nils Sturma), Published in Algebraic Statistics, 15 (2024), no. 2, 269–293.
Maximum information divergence from linear and toric models (with Serkan Hoşten), submitted.
Moment varieties for mixtures of products (with Joe Kileel and Bernd Sturmfels), published in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC 2023), ACM, New York, 2023, 53–60. [code]
Decomposable context-specific models (with Eliana Duarte and Julian Vill), published in SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 8 (2024), no. 2, 363-393.
Logarithmic Voronoi cells for Gaussian models (with Serkan Hoşten), published in Journal of Symbolic Computation 122 (2024), 102256.
Logarithmic Voronoi polytopes for discrete linear models, published in Algebraic Statistics 15 (2024), no. 1, 1–13.
Logarithmic Voronoi cells (with Alexander Heaton), published in Algebraic Statistics 12 (2021), no. 1, 75-95. [code]
Computing a logarithmic Voronoi cell (with Alexander Heaton and Sascha Timme), published on HomotopyContinuation.jl, 2019.
Recovering conductances of resistor networks in a punctured disk (with Brian Burks, Sunita Chepuri, and Patricia Commins), Preprint, 2018.
Deformations of the Weyl character formula for SO(2n+1, C) via ice models (with Patricia Commins, Alexandra Embry, Sylvia Frank, Yutong Li, and Alexander Vetter), Preprint, 2018.
From Voronoi cells to algebraic statistics (advised by Bernd Sturmfels and Serkan Hoşten), PhD thesis, 2023.
Combinatorial Nullstellensatz: various proofs, extensions and applications (advised by Karen Collins), undergraduate honors thesis, 2019.
Vershik-Okounkov approach to the representation theory of symmetric groups, 2020.
Growth of meandric numbers (with Kayla Cummings and Edgar Jaramillo Rodriguez), DIMACS-DIMATIA REU booklet (pp. 33-36), 2017.